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Professional Therapeutic and Counselling Services



for all First Nations individuals and their families who have suffered

intergenerational trauma, abuse, addiction or violence in their

families communities or workplaces.

Professional Cultural Education Service


We do professional education for all health, education and social service, public policy practitioners on Aboriginal cultural business to support trauma recovery and recovery services in mental emotional and social health.  We utilise our psychiatrist, psychologists, social workers, school counsellors, teachers, allied health professionals, community development workers, politicians, media and others in increasing their knowledge of engagement and working with our mob.


We design workshops for professionals in trauma informed recovery management, family systems knowledge for dependency, addiction and abuse recovery. For communities we do Healing and Recovery workshops called Discovery & Recovery to understand generational trauma and how to utilise Indigneous and non-Indigenous techniques for healing and recovery. 



Healing and Wellness


Ngungkari Medicine appointments - one on one  & face to face


Bookings: or phone: 0458239480



Sacred Ceremonials

We create ceremonies with you to makr special life passages based in our cultural traditions and with the permission of our Elder Teachers.


Births - newborns, smoking ceremony, ochre marking

Naming Ceremonies - bestowing spiritual naming on a child or when a person chooses to change their name

Marriages or Relationship Couplings - when two people decide to make commitments to each other

Deaths/Passings - to mark the passage between life and death in a joyful and spiritual way

Transformational Passages for Puberty, Adulthood, Eldership - there are times in the life when we are emotional and psychologically ready to move in our growth as humans and these can be marked by special ceremonies either along or with friends/family




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